Support Our Cause by giving what you can!

Help our 501(c)(3) charitable organization by donating today! All donations go directly to making a difference for our causes and to further our efforts. Our organization mission is to hold the city accountable for the health, safety and welfare of all the city residents of Yamhill and to identify and present factual information and documentation to the council, mayor and other city committees. The Yamhill Neighborhood Association also represents all the residents within the city of Yamhill and our membership so they have the ability of one voice to speak at all the upcoming city council, planning and other city meetings. Our newly formed Yamhill Neighborhood Association mission is to bring our community together to have a voice as one within the city. To be included in the changes that happen and address the concerns within our city so all our voices are heard as one. We provide a voice for all, not just a few by membership. We have a newly formed steering committee and because the residences of the City of Yamhill have a limited way to provide any input, we have a membership that meets often to discuss the direction the city of Yamhill should take and based on the consensus from our membership we take this information to the city council’s next upcoming meeting and present it as one voice. We have formed the Yamhill Neighborhood Association because we feel the city of Yamhill is not taking the path to better the residents within our city due to the city’s current direction.

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Yamhill Neighborhood Association

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Donation Total: $20.00